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The Towel Game

The Skinny

A Simple game that involves a towel of some sort.
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How To Play

1. Have all your kids make a circle with chairs with one person in the middle.

2. The person in the middle has a “towel”. This could be a real towel, paper towel, or really anything.

3. The person in the middle walks around and grabs some else’s hand to form a chain. They can’t let go.

4. They continue going around and around grabbing more and more people, making the human chain longer and longer.

5. The person with the towel, also the person leading chain, should try to tie everyone up by going in and out of the train behind them or weaving around obstacles etc.

6. When the leader decides the human chain is tied up enough they can drop the towel and everyone runs to find a seat.

7. The person left without a seat, and in the middle, gets the towel and starts the chain again.

I know it sounds simple but my kids love it for some reason…lol

